
Welcome to Statoscopex, our online statistical analysis software.


This constantly evolving software implements the teachings of the book ‘Le Statoscope’. It offers the following capability study and factorial analysis functionalities: mean, standard deviation, occurrence rate and proportion:

Capability study

For the following metrics: continuous, counting, binary.

  1. Determination of the statistical accuracy of the defect rate of a process
  2. Determination of the minimum sample size required to estimate the defect rate of a process

Statistical parameter estimation

For the following parameters: mean, standard deviation, occurrence rate, proportion.

  1. Determination of the confidence interval of the parameter
  2. Determination of the minimum sample size required to estimate the statistical parameter

Useful effect

For the following parameters: mean, standard deviation, occurrence rate, proportion.

  1.     Translation of the objective of reducing the rate of defects (in a process, for example) in terms of the expected effect on the mean, standard deviation, occurrence rate and proportion.
  2.     Determination of the minimum sample size required to be able to detect influencing factors that contribute sufficiently to the objective of reducing the defect rate.

Detecting an effect

For the following parameters: mean, standard deviation, occurrence rate, proportion.

  1.     Test whether an apparent effect is real and sufficient
  2.     Determine the minimum sample size required to detect an effect of a given size
  3.     Determine the effect size detectable using a given sample (resolution)
  4.     Determine the ability to detect an effect of a given size using a given sample (power)

Techniques used: two-sample t-test, two-variance test, two-sample Poisson test, two-proportion test.

Detecting a deviation from a target

For the following parameters: mean, standard deviation, occurrence rate, proportion.

  1.     Test whether an apparent deviation is real and sufficient
  2.     Determine the minimum sample size required to detect a given deviation size
  3.     Determine the size of deviation detectable using a given sample (resolution)
  4.     Determine the ability to detect a given gap size using a given sample (power)

Techniques used: one-sample t-test, variance test, one-sample Poisson test, proportion test

Menu du logiciel

Etude de la moyenne

Etude de la variation

  • Effet utile sur un écart-type
  • Détection d’un effet sur un écart-type
  • Détection d’un écart à un écart-type cible

Etude du taux d’occurrences

Etude de la proportion